Deck & Tarot and the Chakras Book


Cards: Miriam Jacobs
User’s Guide: Miriam Jacobs with Stephanie Swafford

Book: Miriam Jacobs, Schiffer Publishing

Contact me for overseas orders: Miriam

Includes the Polarity Wellness Tarot deck and Tarot and the Chakras: Opening New Dimensions to Healers book for one special price.

PWT, the first somatic Tarot deck with the companion book, Tarot and the Chakras, is the recommended deck for incorporating Tarot to enhance a healing arts practice or for self-discovery. The combo enhances and explains using the connections among several systems.

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Polarity Wellness Tarot is the first somatic Tarot deck. PWT has the same structure as classic Tarot decks and speaks to both the total novice. It is the preferred deck for creating Tarot in Motion movement pieces, and for supporting bodywork sessions.

Tarot and the Chakras synthesizes ancient and modern divination systems.

Each PWT card includes an illustration of the physical body that highlights what part of the body is associated with this card

Tarot and the Chakras contains charts combining elements of Tarot, Chakras, and the Elements


“Miriam has made it easy with all her charts.
I haven’t found a book this does this in such a practical easy way.”


“There is something in picking a Tarot card and focusing on it and then putting it to movement that is freeing”
