Discover the Magic that Lies within the Cards.

At its core, Tarot is a profound system of divination, employing a deck of cards to unlock the secrets of the universe. As Tarot continues to evolve in our modern world, it has transcended its ancient roots to become a powerful tool for decision-making, gaining clarity, and supporting spiritual growth.

The Tarot serves as a sacred mirror, reflecting back to us the truths that lie within our own subconscious minds. It speaks to the depths of our being, affirming what we already know but may need guidance in bringing into our conscious awareness.

Tarot’s ancient origins, remains shrouded in mystery. Some trace its roots back to ancient Egypt, where it is said to be connected to the mystical Kabbalah; ”Tree of Life”.

Others speculate that Tarot may have originated as a Book of Wisdom or served as a pictorial language for communication among diverse cultures.

One prevailing theory suggests that the Tarot emerged during the Renaissance in Italy, where the first deck was purportedly created as a lavish wedding gift for the union of the Visconti and Sforza families.

Regardless of its origins, the Tarot's timeless wisdom continues to inspire and guide seekers on their spiritual journeys.

 “I have been reading Tarot cards for over 35 years. Since I found them so effective in making decisions, I began to include Tarot in my bodywork sessions. The brief readings help affirm my clients’ experiences, differentiating and integrating their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.” Miriam Jacobs

A Basic History of Tarot

After the Renaissance, when the Inquisition extended its reach, the Tarot was considered a form of divination, and therefore, along with Astrology, Palm Reading, and other oracular practices, was rejected, considered evil, and feared. In the early 20th century, however, occult groups began to form and new interpretations of Tarot decks began to appear. Two different decks that are now the basis for most contemporary Tarot decks were created. Both decks came out of the secret society of the Golden Dawn in Britain: The Rider/Waite deck, (Rider being the publisher) was designed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith. This Tarot deck gave pictorial images for every card. With artist Lady Frieda Harris, Aleister Crowley developed the Thoth deck in the 1940s. Crowley added astrological references for every card.

Other important and influential decks are the Marseille deck from France and the modern Visconti Sforza deck, copied from the famous Renaissance deck. Another branch of Tarot is the modern mystery school version created by Paul Foster Case in 1922, called The Builders of the Adytum or BOTA.

Today, interpretations of the cards vary from reader to reader and book to book. 

Tarot & the Chakras (excerpt p 18-19)

In Person & Virtual Readings

Intuitive Tarot readings, Energy-based Tarot sessions,

Get your own deck.

Purchase your own Polarity Wellness Tarot deck or deck and book set

Polarity Wellness Tarot Deck

Cards: Miriam Jacobs
User’s Guide: Miriam Jacobs with Stephanie Swafford

Contact me for overseas orders: Miriam

The Polarity Wellness Tarot is a somatic deck, setting it apart from traditional Tarot. This unique deck blends classic Tarot wisdom with Polarity Therapy principles, making it a powerful tool for enriching body-mind practices and deepening self-awareness..

PWT is also for those who want to deepen their Tarot repertoire.

Each card includes related symbols of elements, types of touch, zodiac, and Chakras, plus a Polarity Energy Man, who highlights areas of the body to focus on.

It is the recommended deck to use to create Tarot in Motion™ movement pieces. PWT is a powerful tool to enrich all body-mind disciplines, or for those who want to deepen their Tarot repertoire.

Deck & Tarot and the Chakras Book

Cards: Miriam Jacobs
User’s Guide: Miriam Jacobs with Stephanie Swafford

Book: Miriam Jacobs, Schiffer Publishing

Contact me for overseas orders: Miriam

Includes the Polarity Wellness Tarot deck and Tarot and the Chakras: Opening New Dimensions to Healers book for one special price.

PWT, the first somatic Tarot deck with the companion book, Tarot and the Chakras, is the recommended deck for incorporating Tarot to enhance a healing arts practice or for self-discovery. The combo enhances and explains using the connections among several systems.