The Court Cards are often representing another person who is influencing the situation or another aspect of the person getting the reading, that is being revealed.

Associated with the suits are the sixteen Court Cards, which represent specific people or aspects of yourself that influence the matter. The court cards represent psychological states. There are four Courts for each suit. They can be broken up as shown below.

PAGES are childlike - learners (sub element Earth) Page of Fire: open and full of wonder, free, breaks obstacles Page of Water: affectionate, fantasizes about love  Page of Air: brainy, thoughtful, studious, serious Page of Earth: births new forms and is a creative learner 

KNIGHTS - are young adults - seekers (sub element Fire) Knight of Fire: passionate, lustful, and creative Knight of Water: warm, loving, giving, and sharing  Knight of Air: independent, dynamic, speeds towards goal Knight of Earth: slow steady movement, healer

QUEENS - are mature females (sub - element Water) Queen of Fire:  inspired, passionate, knows herself  Queen of Water: psychic, intuitive, connects  Queen of Air:  fair, focused, objective, cool approach Queen of Earth: Mother Earth, interested in community, protective

KINGS -are mature males (sub element Air) King of Fire: fertile, creative approach, has a vision, secure King of Water: benevolent ruler, committed, and loyal King of Air: warrior approach, aggressive, direct King of Earth:  solid approach, concerned with finances, authoritative