The Ether Element


  • Body joints

  • The entire Astrological wheel

  • Expansive

  • Elongated

  • Still

  • Space

  • Music

  • Major Arcana Cards


What is Ether then? This is not the sub category of halogenated ether in Organic Chemistry. In metaphysical wisdom systems Ether is most often equated with space itself. The Ether Element is unique in that it is not associated with one particular zodiac sign. It is associated with the entire wheel of the zodiac, and all elements are expressed through this realm.

Qualities associated with the Ether Element are silence, space and openness. Ether is the container of all elements, meaning it is the starting point for the four other elements and the space from which they emanate. Ether is the silence through which we are able to hear inner guidance. This is the place between sounds.

In nature the Ether Element is experienced as wide open spaces, as on a mountaintop, in the middle of a body of water, in an empty room, cathedral, or a large lobby. In the physical body, the Ether Element represents the throat and the ability to swallow. It is also the joints and the craniosacral system because it is all about space.

The Ether Element manifests through the throat and the metabolism of the thyroid gland. This Element is the beginning of the manifestation of the physical body, a sound vibration that relates to the sense of hearing and music. When touching the body the Ether Element energy will feel like an elongation in the tissue.

Emotionally, we find profound cosmic joy and self-expression with the Ether Element.  It gives the ability to express all emotions, most specifically grief, and confers the ability to return to spirit. We can listen and be present with the Ether Element.


Explaining Tarot in Motion™


The Air Element