The Air Element

Astrological reflex areas:

  • Gemini shoulders

  • Libra   kidneys

  • Aquarius ankles

Color: green

Art: dance                 

Chakra: heart

Sound:  Yam             

Gemstone: emerald

The Air Element is the lightest of the Four Active Elements. It is linked to movement, quickness and agility. It is quick versus stagnant. The Air Element rules our thoughts. The Air Element relates to the wind, from gentle breezes to tornadoes, to sandstorms and gusts. It is associated with anything that flies, from birds to butterflies, and thrown confetti.

Being able to breath into our lungs and chest is a gift of Air. Air is any kind of mental activity, also being jittery or high-strung, with burnt out nerves. The Air Element is about the sense of touch (the skin) and the three nervous systems, sympathetic, parasympathetic and autonomic.

The Air Element is heard as a fast, jumpy voice, but is also the quality of dancing. Emotionally, the Air Element signifies desire, bargaining, judging, unconditional love and compassion. It is giddy and joyful.

Mentally, the Air Element likes to analyze and be quick witted. It is related to getting lost in thoughts or being scattered. At times, a predominance of the Air Element disconnects our emotions from our body.  Having lots of ideas can either work as the inability to choose or as being self directed and focused. If one’s air Element is stagnant, thoughts can get stuck. Laughter is a great way to move stagnant air.


The Ether Element


The Fire Element