The Earth Element

Astrological reflex areas:

  • Taurus neck

  • Virgo colon

  • Capricorn knees                                           

Color: red

Art: sculpture and aromatherapy

Chakra: root

Sound:  Lam 

Gemstone: ruby

Earth is energy manifested into form, and defines boundaries. Earth Element is slow and patient. Earth is also solid, secure and grounded. Earth is practical and wants to complete. This element defines our boundaries. Earth is about bringing things into form and actualizing them. It is concerned with survival on this plane, and the structure of our lives in modern times. It relates to material concerns as well as financial security.

In nature, the Element of Earth is all concrete things. It appears everywhere, from mountains, deserts, to caves and rocks. The Earth Element also is seen in our household structures and walls.

In the physical body, the Earth Element is what gives us structure. It relates to our muscles and bones. In the tissue sense there is an awareness of the strength and contraction of muscle tone. Emotionally, the Earth Element gives strength, courage and steadiness. On the flip side, this element can be stubborn and lazy.

Sculpture has been given as the art of the Earth Element. It is three dimensional and structured. In addition, Earth Element art is also aromatherapy. Earth puts us in touch with the sense of smell.

People who have Earth Element energy are slower than Air or Ether types. The voice of Earth is a low, deep, steady tone. Mentally, Earth wants to organize, be structured, and can become very detail oriented. The Earth Element moves slowly and can be either patient or stubborn.


The Water Element