The Water Element

Astrological reflex areas:

  • Cancer: breast

  • Scorpio: pelvis

  • Pisces: feet

Color: Orange 

Art: cooking

Chakra: sacral/ sexual

 Sound: Vam

 Gemstone: pearl

The Water Element conveys our ability to be receptive, to flow, and be flexible. Water is nurturing and facilitates making connections. It is about cyclical energies. Water receives and accepts all things. It also can be overwhelming and/or dissolve boundaries.

In nature, Water is found in the oceans, lakes, rivers, brooks, and streams. It is also seen in gentle rains and hurricanes. Water is the elemental character of all forms of liquid. In the physical body, Water is associated with our breasts and chest, the pelvic region, the feet, lymphatic system, and any kind of secretion glands. Since Water is associated with nurturing and the sense of taste, the artistic attribution is cooking – or nurturing through foods.

The voice quality of the Water Element is flowing and smooth. Emotions in the Water Element are specifically associated with sadness, attachment, holding on, letting go, and going with the flow. Belonging, accepting, and making emotional connections with others is predominant. Water imbalances can entail compulsiveness and addictions.

Depression, thought to be an emotion, is really the inability to express emotions. It is not an emotion in and of itself, but is more about shutting down the emotional realm, and eventually the mental and physical body. Deep depression can sadly lead to far worse issues.

Since Water is all about making connections, on the mental plane its influence will be inclusive or separating. Water understands deep feelings and even has an affinity with the occult.

Relationships (more specifically, sexual relationships) are important to the Water connection.

Water can cause a lack of boundaries if imbalanced, or a stream that connects everything together if balanced. Water Element is sometimes associated with a “foggy” brain.

Water connects the mother to the child, adults to their sexuality, and our feet to the earth.

Our bodies are made up of about 66% water. The earth is about 60% water.


The Fire Element


The Earth Element